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Chris is a Crisis Communication major at WSU. He is in charge of the multimedia design and social media for Smooth-Eats. When he graduates college, Chris plans to pursue a career in firefighting. Teamwork and problem solving are Chris' strong suits and he plans on using his skills to better Smooth-Eats. 


Avery Cooper, Multimedia Journalism and Public Relations major. Avery is the researcher so he is the one to go to if we want to find out more about our audience. Avery also has good writing skills. He plans to go into sports broadcasting once he graduates. Avery works at Northwest Public Broadcasting as an announcer.


Abby is a Communication major and is currently in England! (Her bio will be complete when she comes back.)


Sofia is a Strategic Communication major. She plans to work in public relations when she graduates and would like to work in the culinary world because her love of food is such a passion for her. She wants to travel the world learning different style of cooking to then translate that into her career. Sofia is a team player and has helped to put the project together.

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