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When you buy from Smooth Eats, not only are you nourishing yourself with a healthy and tasty option, but you're supporting local farmers.

We try our best to make sure that all of our fruit and salad materials are sourced locally, because we believe in supporting health in all aspects, including a healthy community. A healthy community requires the support of its local businesses and consumers.

That's one reason why we are launching a host of special promotions!

Come in every Monday or Friday for our Smoothie Happy Hour and get 20 percent off of your order from 10 to midnight. EVERY MONDAY or FRIDAY.

We'll also post weekly contests on Facebook like trivia. Winner will receive a coupon.

Surprise! We also like the Cougars! Come in during football season with a "Minshew Mustache" on your face and you'll get 10 percent off of your order.

And of course, come in during the first three weeks with your study materials and we'll give you 10 percent off of a smoothie or salad. It's on us.

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